Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Guest Blog by Frankie Kangas
Every year one Million Cats are needlessly put to death in American. Why? Outdated information.

Just as HIV was once believed to be a certain death sentence for humans, that old belief is still attached to FIV (the feline equivalent). But with cats, the mere diagnosis TRIGGERS that death sentence … by those who should know better.

Not only are FIV+ cats being punished, so are their non-FIV associates. We received this request for help a few days ago:

“My mother has gone to an assisted living facility and left behind more than 12 cats. I can’t find a local rescue to help me find homes for ANY of them because 2 tested FIV positive.” Stonewall, LA

FIV Cat Rescue, a nonprofit based in Fort Bragg, California, has a mission: to end the killing of FIV+ cats forever. We work directly with FIV Researchers and Veterinarians to insure all information is correct and up-to-date. Plus we have a 2 step plan to achieve that mission.

Step 1: Create The FIV Book
Since the problem is based on outdated information, the solution is to gather the latest research information and mass produce it in book format. The book is being funded through an Indiegogo campaign “Help Write The Book That Will Save A Million Lives”.
The campaign is so popular that it reached its goal of $1,539 within 2 weeks. And people are still donating because of ...

Step 2: Create The Documentary Video
With a month left in the campaign, all new donations will go toward creating a professional documentary video, for mass distribution through TV and other channels.
Please visit the campaign Your $1 donation will save lives.
Author Frankie Kangas can be reached at:
More to read on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Mike Petherick gave me permission to post the email he sent me.

    Thank you Ginny. It still goes on right here. We have a beautiful "tuxedo" tom that it took me a year to talk in out of the woods and tame enough to handle. I took him into the Humane Society to have him knicked and to get his shots, and when he tested positive for HIV, they wanted to put him down. No way! He has turned into a fantastic, loving guy who, while a bit bossy, gets along fine with the other cats. He is not going to infect them unless a deep bite is involved and that's not going to happen.

    Even if the FIV should go active, which may never happen, he will have brought us much pleasure and had a fun time himself.

    Dr. Chaves, our Vet., is active with this group and agrees completely with us.


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